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Topic:E-bay scam ??
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Want oneI own allot of Harley's so I surf ebay looking for "stuff"
lately I have noticed late model Harley's (04 to 06) with low-low mileage and "buy it now prices" under 6k, the sellers have good positive feedback, however it states e-mail them to be "pre-approved" to bid, what's the catch ???

Here is an example http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Harley-Davidson-Softail-FatBoy-2004-Harley-Davidson-Fat-Boy-Custom-Radical-Flame_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ49994QQihZ008QQitemZ180014027874QQrdZ1

RED5Bill- Are you going to come out and play this weekend?
Were doing BBQ and cruise night on Saturday.

RE: the ebay scam: I would send a message to the ebayer but not to the email address they provided, do it through the contact seller button. See if you get a response and see if its the same address that was provided in the auction. Its possible that the persons ebay account got phished by someone.....I know that happens alot with cars.

you know what they say about things that are to good to be true.

edit: the screen name and email address look like they do go together.

This message has been edited by RED5 on 08-02-2006 at 09:44 PM

FeralHere's another scam. You can always tell by how little care they take in explaining the item. Yeah, we'll deliver it to you thirteen (?) days after you've sent us half the money! Oh, and "for the right bidder we'll end the auction early". I sent this person an email saying I want to see the car. How much you wanna bet I don't get a response?

http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Plymouth- Prowler-2001-PLYMOUTH-PROWLER_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6414QQihZ008QQitemZ180013169123QQrdZ1

This message has been edited by Feral on 08-03-2006 at 12:26 AM

Kevin A
Originally posted by Feral:
Here's another scam.
http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Plymouth- Prowler-2001-PLYMOUTH-PROWLER_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6414QQihZ008QQitemZ180013169123QQrdZ1

I sent them a note asking if I could get the car faster than 13 days if I sent payment in full. I bet I get a response on that.

TFischerThere have been several times that people have hijacked others' ebay accounts and used them for sales so they can use their feedback. It happened to my sister's account and it was in fact to sell Harleys. The ISP that was used to hijack her account was from overseas. T
GeneEbay has a dept to handle these type emails and they are fake.Check on EBay for fake mail and forward your mail to them.I usually get two per day like this.I had bid 90K on motorhome and later learned the reserve was set at 240K and guess what I recieve this mail that my bid was accepted and to contact at different address.Of course it was fake.
DonGot me for $3200 bucks on a scam
Originally posted by Don:
Got me for $3200 bucks on a scam


toysIt was a scam e-bay already pulled it.

I see scams like this all the time.

Thanks for posting it


Kevin A
Originally posted by Kevin A:
I sent them a note asking if I could get the car faster than 13 days if I sent payment in full. I bet I get a response on that.

Here is their reply. VERY generous offer to drop delivery down to three days! Also, the usual good English grammar shows they are likely not even in North America.

Item: Plymouth : Prowler (180013169123)
This message was sent while the listing was active.
bikes4lessus is the seller.
if we get payment in full via over night u can fly up the same day we get payment or we will bring it to you with in 3 days

This message has been edited by Kevin A on 08-03-2006 at 01:11 PM

Want oneJesse,

I wish I could this weekend, but as usual things are crazy at work, I hate to admit this but I think I have put 50 miles on the KAT this summer and most of that was bringing it back from storage, my Harley's all have dead batteries, hopefully in September I will free up some time, I see there are some new Illinois members that I would like to meet. Keep me posted on upcoming Illinois get together's.

Everyone else thanks for the ebay scam info, don't want to waste hard earned money.

Ed W.
Originally posted by Gene:
Ebay has a dept to handle these type emails and they are fake.Check on EBay for fake mail and forward your mail to them.I usually get two per day like this.I had bid 90K on motorhome and later learned the reserve was set at 240K and guess what I recieve this mail that my bid was accepted and to contact at different address.Of course it was fake.

When in doubt, always forward the entire "eBay" emails to


You will get a response, one way or the other from ebay.
Personally, I'd love to know how many of these "scums" eBay has prosecuted.....

FeralI sent an email to the morons with the Mulholland as well, asking when I could send my mechanic by to look at it. Here's their response:

"oh well that dont bother me i know this price is gonna go up and i already had it up to 25.000 but i canceled the bid becouse they where not in the us and i dont think you have even bided
the car is perfect but i mean i hate to go through all the trouble if you have not even bided."

Your Public School dollars at work - LOL! He really needs to polish up the English a little bit if he expects to pull a respectable scam. This is pathetic!

This message has been edited by Feral on 08-03-2006 at 08:56 PM

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